Shanes Crossing Chronicle

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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, December 2006

Notes from Norm Van Tilburg, President, 419-363-2998 The first weekend of December brought well over 200 visitors. Positive comments were made and there were even some that had items they wanted to share. I want to thank everyone who helped to get the museum ready to open by painting the walls, installing showcases, shelving, and…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, May 2006

NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT Many things have happened since the last letter. We have been able get our building painted on the inside and the town has put new offices in for the police department. The town offices have been moved and everything is working fine for them. They are very happy with the amount…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, February 2004

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK Much of the ice has melted off the roads and driveways. It is surprising that there was not more broken bones from falls on the ice. We are looking forward to spring and hope the warm weather continues. Everyone says that spring is one day closer. The sign for the Works Cemetery…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, December 1999

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK It is certainly hard to believe that December is here. The society has had a successful fall with good attendance at its meetings and another successful heritage dinner. We want to thank Jane Now, Kay Thomas, Nancy Thomas, and others for the work they did in putting together another great dinner. These…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, September 1999

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK The WWW II tribute during Community Days was a great success. The response from the veterans was tremendous as they brought memorabilia for display and many were available to talk about their war experiences. We thank Mike Bruns for organizing this event. During the summer the log house has been getting some…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1999

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK The Shanes Crossing Historical Society reports that its effort to commemorate the Rockford Area’s W.W.II Veterans, during Rockford Days (June 18-20, 1999) was a great success. We had many visitors from near and far. Thank-yous go out to Mike Bruns, who spent many hours preparing for this event, as well as the…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, February 1999

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK Since the last newsletter, there has been very little activity. Various committees are beginning to work towards the new year. Besides finishing the log house this spring, we would like to begin developing the grounds surrounding the house. An herb garden is being planned (contact Nancy Thomas if you can help or…
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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1998

SCHS PRESIDENT’S DESK It has been a few months since the last newsletter. It seems that when I think I will be able to sit down and write the letter the “crew” working on the log house wants me to help them. In March the first log was laid for this project and just about…
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